Si vous lisez l'américain, je vous invite à lire la première page de commentaires sur cet article : Slashdot | Microsoft's Not So Happy Family.
Pour rappeler le contexte, Steve Balmer est célèbre pour ses sautes d'humeur, et est censé avoir récemment jeté une chaise à travers la fenetre de son bureau en s'emportant après Google qui venait de lui piquer un employé de plus, et en s'écriant :
I'm going to fucking kill Google!
Les premiers slashdotters ont donc eu une inspiration collective qui a donné ceci en résumé :
Not a good day to be a fly on the wall in Ballmers office.
"I'm going to fucking kill Microsoft!"
Actually though, chopping the head off the chicken might seem like a good idea at the time until you realise its the arsehole that becomes the new leader.
Or did you mean, funny day to be a fly on the wall in Ballmers office, but bad day to be a chair?
You see, I've once killed a mosquito with an overhead swing of an axe. I'm a clumsy oaf, but so far my accuracy with axes against insects is 100% (1/1). Now, considering that the smallest throwable thing in an office is a lot wider than an axe's blade, I believe that Ballmer can make it.
His office is pretty big, so he has at least as many tries as he has chairs.
From what I understand, his office is only twice as big as any of the other employees. It's just two regular offices with the wall torn out.
Now as for who tore the wall out and what sort of chair was used in that process, I haven't the slightest idea.
If Ballmer could hit his targets, he wouldn't be in this fix.
Sounds to me like Microsoft is one of the safer places to be, if you're a bug.
If you could get rid of bugs by throwing chairs at them, Ballmer could have shipped Vista years ago.
lol ou mdr en français ;-)
Tags {Microsoft humour slashdot}